The Artful Journey of Gülsüm Sayım: A Deep Dive into Her World of Paintings

Posted on Oct 20, 2024

Hello friends. A lot of you already know me as Software Developer for a long time. But less knows I started to study Art Of History in 2021. I am so excited to share my first article about a painter. She is a very talented painter and also She is my cousin. I want to thank her to answer my boring questions with patience and brilliant anwsers. I followed a simple way to complete this interview. First I’ve created my basic questions and separate by sections. Then I’ve add more detailed questions to each section. I’ve asked her to answer these questions. After that I’ve combined her answers and created this article. I belive you will enjoy it. I know a lot will like these beautiful paintings. I will share her social media accounts at the end of the article. You can follow her to see more of her beautiful paintings.

In the tranquil yet vibrant world of art, Gülsüm Sayım emerges as a distinctive voice, blending realism with a touch of her unique vision like every unique artist. She born in Erzincan (Turkiye) in 1988, Gülsüm’s journey from a small town to the bustling city of Istanbul has shaped her artistic path, leading her to become a respected painter with a profound understanding of her craft. All of her paintings have her unique life story and emotions. I believe I will find an opportunity to share her stories more later if she likes too. But as a relative of her, I witnessed her passion and dedication to her art even life become hard to her. I am so proud of her and I am so happy to share her paintings and her story with you.

Otoportre, Gulsum Sayim

A Journey Begins: From Economics to Art

Gülsüm Sayım’s journey is a fascinating one. She completed her primary and secondary education in Erzincan, later moving to Istanbul to pursue a degree in economics at Istanbul University. However, her heart was always drawn to the world of art. Despite her professional commitments at the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Gülsüm never let go of her passion for painting, which she began exploring seriously in the second half of the 2000s.

Embracing Realism: A Style with Depth

When asked about the style she adopts, Gülsüm explains that while her works are predominantly realist, she doesn’t shy away from exploring other possibilities within the realm of painting. This blend of realism with occasional experimental elements gives her work a distinctive edge, making her paintings resonate with a broad audience.

Galleries and Beyond: Reaching a Wider Audience

Gülsüm’s art has graced numerous galleries and art fairs. Among these are the IAAF Istanbul Art and Antique Fair (2023), ARTANKARA 10th International Contemporary Art Fair (2024), IAAF Izmir Art and Antique Fair (2024), and IAAF Bodrum Art Fair (2024). She prefers art fairs for their ability to reach a larger and more diverse audience, ensuring that her work touches the lives of many.

Isimsiz 1, Gulsum Sayim

A Lifelong Learner: The Path of Continuous Education

Gülsüm’s commitment to her art is evident in her educational journey. Starting with a charcoal drawing course in 2007, she continued to refine her skills by attending oil painting workshops with renowned artists Eser AFACAN in 2014 and Fatih KAHYA in 2019. Now, with a master’s degree in painting on her horizon, Gülsüm remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of her craft.

On Favorites and the Role of the Artist

When discussing her favorite works, Gülsüm finds it challenging to choose. She explains that once a painting is complete and presented to the public, the concept of “liking” no longer belongs to the artist. This detachment, she believes, is essential for the continuous growth and evolution of her art.

Connections and Inspirations: A Painter’s Perspective

Although Gülsüm forms a deep connection with each of her paintings, she does not feel sad about letting them go. For her, the idea that these works continue their journey in different environments with different people is comforting. She draws inspiration from the likes of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Evelyn De Morgan, whose works resonate with her artistic sensibilities.

Isimsiz 2, Gulsum Sayim

Art History: A Necessary Foundation

Gülsüm is a firm believer in the importance of art history for any artist. Just as knowing the history of philosophy is essential for making meaningful contributions to that field, understanding what has come before in art is crucial for creating works that are both innovative and respectful of the past.

Techniques and Symbolism: The Tools of Her Trade

Gülsüm’s work is rooted in classical techniques, primarily using oil paint on well-prepared canvases. While symbolism is not a constant in her work, she employs it when it helps express her ideas more clearly. She maintains a flexible approach, free from rigid artistic boundaries.

Art Accessibility: For the Many, Not the Few

In Gülsüm’s view, art should be accessible to everyone. She doesn’t see herself as an elite artist producing works for a select few; instead, she values creating pieces that resonate with and are appreciated by those who choose to share their space with them.

Criticism: To Follow or Not?

Gülsüm believes that artists should follow critics, but with caution. The credibility and knowledge of the critic are crucial factors. While feedback is important, she stresses that an artist should not let criticism dictate their creative process entirely.

Themes and Experimentation: An Evolving Narrative

As her painting journey continues, Gülsüm is certain that the themes and subjects she works on will evolve. Currently, her works often capture small slices of nature or unique human moments filled with a range of emotions. Although she enjoys working in a classical style, she remains open to experimentation, balancing her artistic instincts with a disciplined approach.

Art and Society: Bridging the Gap

Gülsüm is acutely aware of the challenges faced by those living below the poverty line, recognizing that for many, art is a luxury they cannot afford. She advocates for making art more accessible, perhaps by integrating it into public spaces where everyone can experience its benefits. She acknowledges that, under current conditions, interest in art remains limited to a small circle.

Dalga, Gulsum Sayim

East or West? A Universal Perspective

Although the East-West dichotomy is often seen as an orientalist concept, Gülsüm finds the artistic landscape of Western Europe particularly appealing. However, she believes that visual art is a shared heritage of humanity, transcending regional boundaries. She also admires works by Iranian and Russian artists, appreciating the diverse contributions they bring to the global art scene.

The Artist’s Freedom: Beyond Politics

Gülsüm advocates for complete artistic freedom, believing that an artist should be independent of political stances and societal expectations. She views the role of the artist as creating worlds that may be entirely separate from the society in which they live.

In Search of Inner Peace: The Role of the Artist

Gülsüm does not focus on the salability of her works. Since painting is not her sole source of income, she is free to focus entirely on her inner search and creative desires. This independence allows her to maintain the integrity of her art without the pressure of commercial success.

Art as a Commodity: Navigating the Veblen Effect

Gülsüm acknowledges that once an artwork is presented to the public, it becomes a commodity. However, she argues that the price of an artwork does not necessarily reflect its artistic value, as many variables influence its market value. Despite this, she believes that artists should accept this reality without losing sight of their creative vision.

Challenges and Inspirations: The Woman Behind the Canvas

As a woman in the art world, Gülsüm has not faced significant personal challenges, but she has witnessed the struggles of other women artists who battle temporal, spatial, and material obstacles in their creative journeys. She draws inspiration from the natural world, finding every color and particle a potential source of creativity. For Gülsüm, nature’s awe-inspiring beauty serves as a constant wellspring of ideas.

Son Yemis, Gulsum Sayim

The Digital Age: Embracing Change

Gülsüm recognizes the inevitability of change in the digital age. She believes that adapting to technological advancements is essential for staying relevant as an artist. She views the rise of digital art and artificial intelligence not as threats, but as opportunities to innovate and push the boundaries of traditional art forms.

Beyond the Canvas: A Multifaceted Artist

While painting remains her primary focus, Gülsüm is also deeply interested in literature, cinema, and theater, constantly seeking to enrich her artistic perspective.

Looking Ahead: Future Projects

Gülsüm is currently planning her solo exhibition, aiming to create a space that is easily accessible to people from all walks of life. This upcoming project reflects her commitment to making art more inclusive and available to a broader audience.

A Final Thought: Art Without Boundaries

Gülsüm Sayım’s journey is a testament to the power of art to transcend boundaries—be they cultural, social, or technological. Her work, rooted in a deep respect for tradition yet open to innovation, offers a glimpse into the evolving world of contemporary painting. As she continues to explore new themes and techniques, Gülsüm remains dedicated to her inner search, creating art that resonates with both herself and the world around her.

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