Do everyone needs slack or other ims

Posted on Oct 24, 2021

tldr; NO!, of course not!

The first question is what is the problem which trying to be solved by IMs.

I believe that the problem is connectivity. So clear enough. All IM brands are tries to solve connection problem between people. People wants to reach each other whenever they want. This is all about “EVOLUTION”, ehe, ehe, ehe.

LOL, I have not any prove about the relation between “evolution” and “wants to connect”. Maybe have one, maybe not. Don’t care about that for now.

Whatever, we know that people wants reaction, and want that immediately. When I write to you, you have to stop whatever you are doing and you shall respond to me! NOW!

Isn’t that annoying?

The new era is the time is flying era. I believe that you heard that a lot. Everyone talks about how time is going so fast. And they cannot see any product which produces in that time by themselves. Humans are calculates the time with things. Things must happen and must be memorable for understand the time. You want to remember what you did at that time. But not all talks are worth to remember and our brains don’t store those memories well enough.

You got the point, right? Every unnecessary or goygoy talk waste your time. IM’s serves that. Connectivity is not good for the all time.

So, do you think you really need an IM?

I DON’T. Please write me an email when you want to reach me. I’m sharing my IM accounts just for the urgent situations.